I’d like to introduce…

Edward George "Ted" Turner

Edward George Turner, known affectionately to his family and friends as Ted, was a kind hearted, gregarious, right jolly English gent, loved by all who knew him. He was born on the 27th of June 1911 at Blake Cottage, Horn Street in Winslow, Buckinghamshire, where his father was employed as head groom to Mr Gosling of Blake House.

And His Lovely Wife…


Miss Phyllis Mary Collins, daughter of William Collins, publican of the George Inn in Winslow, which is where Ted met her one fateful day in the 1930s

Genealogy Do-Over


The biggest problem I’ve found in running a professional genealogy business from home, is the guilt I feel when NOT working. If I sit down to read, watch t.v., or (and this hardly happens anymore, sadly) knit, my closed laptop beckons me from across the room with its mantra of “there’s one more site which might solve your client’s problem, why aren’t you checking it NOW?”

The second (although closely vying for top billing) biggest problem is that my personal research is perpetual on the back burner. The third, of course, being the nagging awareness that the research I did waayyyyyyy back in the start of my genealogy addiction, falls embarrassingly short of The Genealogy Proof Standard I live by today.

So, imagine my delight when I stumbled over Thomas MacEntee’s wonderful project for the New Year! Genealogy Do-Over, which you can read all about here. (…more)

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