I’d like to introduce…

Edward George "Ted" Turner

Edward George Turner, known affectionately to his family and friends as Ted, was a kind hearted, gregarious, right jolly English gent, loved by all who knew him. He was born on the 27th of June 1911 at Blake Cottage, Horn Street in Winslow, Buckinghamshire, where his father was employed as head groom to Mr Gosling of Blake House.

And His Lovely Wife…


Miss Phyllis Mary Collins, daughter of William Collins, publican of the George Inn in Winslow, which is where Ted met her one fateful day in the 1930s



Yikes! A reader alerted me to the fact that today is my (woefully neglected) blog’s 2nd anniversary! Lots of exciting things have been happening lately in my genealogical world, but unfortunately they’ve drawn me away from my beloved Mahoganybox…

A few of the things…..

  • I’m nearly two thirds of the way through the NIGS Certificate in Genealogical research program for American Studies, and it’s been going really REALLY well
  • The processing of 11 Hollinger archival boxes of an Erie family’s personal papers is wrapping up. I’m quite proud of my 35+ page GUIDE FILE, but it’s taken up pretty much all of my time allotted for genealogical writing for the past few months.
  • I’m giving a talk at our genealogy society’s beginner workshop this month, and I want my Powerpoint to be perfect……
  • The ProGen assignment for the last two months has involved Proof Arguments….probably the most time (…more)